Awe-Inspiring Wonder: Unprecedented Birth as Mother Welcomes 13-Month-Old Baby in a Magical Revelation from the Womb

A woman in Florida can now relax knowing that she has given birth to a hefty 13-pound, 5-ounce baby girl.

Chrissy Corbitt of Keystone Heights described to ABC News how it felt like they were pulling a toddler out of her stomach when her newborn, Carleigh Corbitt, was delivered. She was amazed at how big her baby girl was.

Chrissy CorƄitt of Keystone Heights, Florida, welcomed her newborn, Carleigh CorƄitt, on May 15, 2017. Baby Carleigh made her entrance into the world at Orange Park Medical Center, weighing a whopping 13 pounds and 5 ounces. Chrissy and her husband Larry CorƄitt, who already have four children, were taken by surprise at the size of their newest addition.

“When the doctor was delivering her, I could hear laughter and excitement in the operating room,” Chrissy CorÆ„itt shared. “They were calling out numbers, and when they showed her to me and said 13.5, I couldn’t believe it.”

Chrissy Corbitt from Keystone Heights, Florida, welcomed her 13-pound, 5-ounce newborn, Carleigh Corbitt, on May 15. Larry Corbitt shared an amusing story about her birth, mentioning that with the C-section, all the blankets covered her so they couldn’t see what was happening in the delivery room. The doctor’s surprise at Carleigh’s size was evident when he exclaimed, “Oh my gosh, she’s going to be 15 pounds!” Larry vividly remembers the doctor wondering if there were actually twins due to Carleigh’s substantial size.
He described her as having chunky cheeks and being pleasantly plump, remarking on her beauty.

In Keystone Heights, Florida, Chrissy Corbitt welcomed her newborn baby, Carleigh Corbitt, on May 15, 2017. The Corbitt family captured their incredible baby miracle in a photoshoot with Debbye Benson of Sweet Smiles Photography Studio.

Describing Carleigh, Larry Corbitt jokingly remarked, “She’s already the size of a 6-month-old. We even reached out to Pampers and Huggies for assistance because everything we had prepared for her is already too small. She’s in size 3 diapers and yesterday’s outfit was meant for a 9-month-old. She’s just a big bundle of joy!”

In Keystone Heights, Florida, Chrissy Corbitt welcomed her newborn baby, Carleigh Corbitt, on May 15, 2017. Carleigh surprised everyone by arriving a week earlier than expected. “Her due date wasn’t until May 20 or 21. She could have been much bigger than she was. It was unbelievable. Chrissy wasn’t gaining any weight in the last 3 weeks of her pregnancy. It was all Carleigh gaining weight,” Larry Corbitt shared.

This mother gave birth to a newborn weighing 13.11 pounds, which is double the average size. The pregnancy was difficult on his wife for various reasons, he mentioned. “My wife went through so much previously. A year ago, we had a grease fire in our kitchen,” he recounted. “Twenty-seven percent of her body was burned, down both of her arms and both of her legs.”

He also mentioned that his wife has always been anemic and needed three blood transfusions during the C-section because her iron levels were so low. “But they’re both doing great now,” he shared. “My wife has been incredibly strong through everything she’s gone through.”

Chrissy Corbitt welcomed her daughter Carleigh Corbitt into the world on May 15, 2017, in Keystone Heights, Florida. When they went for a check-up on Friday, Carleigh weighed 13 pounds, 9 ounces, even though she was born at 13 pounds, 5 ounces.

“She’s just a bundle of rolls. She’s a big squishy baby, so adorable,” the proud mom gushed. “I never expected her to become so popular. It’s been an amazing journey, and I look forward to sharing this experience with her in the future to show her how she became famous overnight.”

Chrissy Corbitt from Keystone Heights, Florida, welcomed her newborn baby, Carleigh Corbitt, weighing 13 pounds and 5 ounces on May 15, 2017. When asked if they plan to have more children, Chrissy simply replied, “That’s enough for me. We’re going out with a bang.”

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