A mesmerizing display: children surrounded by blooming lotus blossoms capture hearts.

The adorable infant featured in the photo series is Dong Chi Anh, just 10 months old and the daughter of Ms. Do Hang from Thai Nguyen. Dressed in a charming brown Vietnamese outfit and a cute headband, the baby stands out beautifully against the backdrop of lotus flowers. With her big, round eyes and infectious smile, she has managed to capture the hearts of all who have seen her photos.

The 10-month-old baby girl looked truly angelic surrounded by the beautiful lotus flowers. Photographer Ngo Quang Tu, born in 1989 in Thai Nguyen city, shared that he captured the stunning images in just one morning.

Ngo Quang Tu mentioned, ‘When the baby was brought to us, it took some time for her to feel comfortable in the new environment. Initially, she was a bit scared, but as she grew more familiar with the surroundings, I began taking photos.’ Check out more of the adorable baby photos with lotus flowers on display.

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